SPIELWIESN Augsburg 2024

The SPIELWIESN in Augsburg, a shining jewel among cultural trade shows in Southern Germany

8 november - 10 november , 2024

Augsburg , Germany

Exibition stand builder Europe
Exibition stand builder Europe

SPIELWIESN 2024 Augsburg Trade Show

SPIELWIESN AUGSBURG 2024 is a major event in the gaming industry held annually and this year it comes on the floor from 8th November to 10th November at Augsburg in Germany. Thousands of attendees gather at this event making it a popular gaming convention that attracts board game fans, retailers, journalists, and industry professionals.

In 2023, around 150 exhibitors and 60,000 visitors attended the SPIELWIESN 2024 event which will be a much bigger number this year. At Spielwiesn exhibitors can showcase their latest games in front of experts, and industry professionals. Overall it’s a great opportunity to explore, connect, and build connections.

Gaming Meetings and Special Areas SPIELWIESN 2024 Trade Show:

You can join various programs at the SPIELWIESN trade show in Augsburg that educate you about the gaming industry through meetings and special spaces. Some of them are-

  • Amberger Games Group
  • Aschheim Games Meetup
  • Augsburger Spielespieler eV
  • Board Game Club Thurnau
  • Brucker Spieletreff
  • Freising Games Meeting
  • Board games Landshut eV
  • Grafing Play Bears
  • Haar Games Night
  • Holzkirchner Board Game Meeting

Special areas- 

Pen & Paper- In this game participants play fictional characters and experience an adventure through storytelling. All game rules, descriptions, and notes are written with pen and paper.

Science Playground-  This area is for preschool-aged children, the Science Playground area is all about having fun while learning and playing.

Highlights of SPIELWIESN AUGSBURG 2024 Exhibition:

  • Most of the industry’s key players gather at this event, creating multiple opportunities to connect.
  • Exhibitors can find their potential audience.
  • One-to-one discussion sessions with experts in which they provide key insights into the industry.
  • Participants can attend numerous gaming meetings
  • You can meet the fans of parlor and board games
  • In three days of the SPIELWIESN AUGSBURG 2024 fair attendees can choose their favorite game from 3000 games

If you are a gaming enthusiast then book your space for SPIELWIESN now and design and build your trade show booth with an experienced exhibition stand builder in Augburg.


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